föstudagur, ágúst 08, 2003
Skrifa ummæli
Þetta lítur ekki vel út fyrir mína menn - FootballWeekUk.com sem er með þátt á sýn segir að Tottenham endi sennilega í 13 sæti, fyrir neðan lið eins og Everton, Southampton, Blackburn ofl. Þetta lítur alls ekki vel út. Þetta segir hann um möguleika Tottenham:

Well our tour of the Premier League is just finally reaching it's conclusion. Just a couple of clubs left to consider. And the penultimate club on our list of course is Tottenham Hotspur. Now I have to say that for me personally, Spurs have provided the biggest shock of the summer months so far. And that surprise is that Glen Hoddle is still their manager. I have to say that personally I was convinced that Hoddle would be one of the first casualties of the summer. Just the latest in a long line of high profile big name managers that have been moved on from Whitehart lane having failed to provide the success that they've been longing for there for so many years. Well I was wrong about Glenn Hoddle but I doubt that I'm wrong in predicting that Tottenham Hotspur will once again struggle in the coming Premier League season. They've made some interesting signings in the summer but none of them are guaranteed to bring success and I can't see Spurs challenging for European honours this time round. Neither, however, can I see them really threatened with relegation and so I'm afraid it's another season of mid-table mediocrity in store for Spurs but personally I think they're more likely to finish in the lower half of the table.
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Vikan Bjarni
Vikan Hjölli
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