sunnudagur, janúar 23, 2005
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Við fengum í dag eitt comment í viðbót á Auschwitz galleríið okkar og ég ætla því að birta þau hérna þar sem ég er nokkuð stoltur af þessu:

Guest : Oct 21, 2004 9:42pm PDT /span>
Fantastic gallery here, wonderful collection of shots so well done! >

Schakow Family : Oct 31, 2004 10:51pm PST
These are outstanding photos. I recently visited Auschwitz as well, and tried to document as you did. But mine pale in comparison. >

Rob Aleksander : Dec 29, 2004 8:47am PST
The silence in my office seemed deafening as I viewed your stunning photos. My uncle Joseph and his wife Johanna are survivors of Auschwitz and I have heard his stories of the cruelty as well as documentaries during my school years in Skokie IL. I hesitate to send the news of these photos to him as they may stir some unnecessary emotions at his age. Your commentaries awaken my angers at the former Nazi Germany and bring to mind atrocities taking place right here and now and remind me we must never be complacent against the Hitlers of our own ages.

Jeremy Horne, Ph.D. : Dec 04, 2004 12:28am PST
My students in logic and critical thinking will be looking at your photos this next Monday morning as evidence of what happens in the absence of critical thinking. I have been looking over your EXCELLENT gallery, and I think everyone needs to see these scenes as a "wake-up" call, especially in light of the traumatic events that have happened since 2 November 2004 in the US.

I, as a professor of philosophy, appreciate your willingness to share with the rest of the world civilized community, images of "what could" be in the absence of a world aware of the need to preserve itself. I am sorry; I hardly cannot look at much more, as I cry in despair at our human condition.

Warm regards,

Jeremy Horne, Ph.D.

Peter : Jan 22, 2005 7:44pm PST
Thank you for this moving portrayal. I lost ancestors here. Your photos have inspired me to see this place someday. Thank you. >
Til hamingju með þessi góðu viðbrögð. Fer ekki að verða spurning um að þýða allt gallerýið yfir á ensku, nú eru bara kaflar úr bókum á ensku, en þitt innlegg á íslensku. Svo væri nú e.t.v. ekki svo galið að ræða þetta við umboðsmanninn þinn (Árna) upp á það að halda sýningu.
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