mánudagur, júlí 18, 2005
Skrifa ummæli
Ég verð nú bara að setja hérna inn tölvupóst sem ég fékk um helgina (tók út nafn og heimilisfang sendanda neðst á síðunni):


Hello, my name is Jessyel Ty Gonzalez. I am a 21-year-old photography
student who is trying to learn as much as possible. I recently
discovered your portfolio at photo.net and am amazed at what you've

In particular, I am MESMERIZED by this shot:


I haven't been able to get it out of my head for the last couple of
days. It's breathtaking and this is seriously something I want to aim
to achieve one of these days. I sometimes feel unworthy of even
holding a camera.

Anyway, would you mind letting me know how you achieved this? I really
want to know how you got that dark gloomy feeling? The contrasts are
just so deep and vivid all the same. And more importantly, what
process did you use to make it look like a painting? Or some sort of
drawing? I am just amazed overall.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and I would be forever grateful.
Thanks again!

Hvaða mynd er hann að tala um - settu link á myndina inn
11:11   Blogger Árni Hr. 

11:21   Blogger Joi 

Ég verð nú bara að fá að skjóta inn orði. Ég skil ekki hvert þessi er að fara með þessu, en það eru til mun betri myndir frá þér en þessi.
10:12   Anonymous Nafnlaus 
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