Tickle: Tests, Matchmaking and Social Networking
Tickle: Tests, Matchmaking and Social Networking: "Hjörleifur, you're a Wild Night Owl Wild thing! An energetic and fun-loving soul, you know just how to get the party started...and you stay until the sun comes up. A lover of late nights, you've got an energetic personality that keeps you dancing, socializing, or romancing into the wee hours. Whatever the occasion, you know how to take any soirée from alright to dyn-o-mite. You're happy chatting up strangers, moving from one club to another, and keeping the dance floor going. Sound like a good time? You make sure it will be. Want a drink that´s as exciting and enticing as you? Go to Absolut.com and take the Find your Flavor quiz to get great cocktail recipes and more! "