laugardagur, febrúar 04, 2006
Skrifa ummæli
Um daginn kom upp sú umræða meðal okkar hvað "gay friendly" væri og ætti þetta e.t.v. að geta útskýrt það ásamt öðrum hugtökum sem eru til í þessu sambandi.

Straight friendly

This is the phrase we use to categorise accommodation which is likely to be gay owned and gay run and which, although primarily for the use of gay guests, will welcome straight holidaymakers from time to time, as long as they do something about those awful clothes and that terrible haircut.

Exclusively gay

This refers to accommodation for the exclusive use of gay people and, in some circumstances, their relatives or friends.

Gay friendly
This refers to accommodation which welcomes everyone regardless of their sexuality but is likely to be in the vicinity of a local gay scene and probably attracts a higher than average propertion of gay guests.

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